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Vortrag von Dr. Dezso Mate: ”Manifestations of Antigypsyism – Roma in Social Science”

TORSDAG 15 december KL. 19:00


Meeting-ID: 815 2260 5030
Code: 989020

Am 15. Dezember um 19 Uhr wird Dr. Dezso Mate im Hörsaal des Historischen Seminars der Uni Heidelberg (Grabengasse 3-5) über Erscheinungsformen des Antiziganismus in der Wissenschaft und die besondere Bedeutung von Forschenden aus der Gruppe der Sintizze und Sinti sowie Romnja und Roma in den Sozialwissenschaften sprechen. Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch stattfinden.

Dr. Mate ist Soziologe am Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut in Essen und Fellow des „Academy in Exile“ Programms. Er engagiert sich außerdem als Aktivist für Gleichberechtigung und gegen die Diskriminierung von Romnja und Roma sowie LGBTIQ.


Romani cultural heritage is influential across the world. Romani knowledge production and narratives, however, are still lacking recognition in the academia and public representation. Since the Enlightenment thinker Heinrich Moritz Gottlieb Grellmann published his work ”Dissertation on the Gipsies” in 1783 Romani people have been turned into constant objects of international scholarship. More precisely, they are faced with academic Antigypsyism that has contributed to intolerant attitudes and oppression in society. For hundreds of years, the various manifestations of Antigypsyism have subconsciously shaped and damaged Romani identity politics and have obliterated Romani narratives from history

The lecture presents a piece of critical Romani research on the past periods, on the approaches and dilemmas of the studies on ”Gypsies” and Romani scholarship through the lens of academic Antigypsyism.

Romani academic recognition requests ground-breaking reflective actions to cultivate Roman identity politics, cultural heritage and collective memory. Essential knowledge production is a fundamental need, whereby Romani people can challenge the status quo of several centuries, the lack of representation and recognition.

Critical narratives are necessary to analyse the social and historical embeddedness of such categories and distinctions as ”Roma/Gadjo” and ”Gypsy/Peasant”. These positions are currently still at odds with what practitioners of privileged science call ”the discourse of suffering”


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