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Roma rights and the fight against antigypsyism. Launch of the CHACHIPEN national report on Sweden

FREDAG 9 DECEMBER 2022 KL. 09:00

Evenemang av Critical Romani Studies, Södertörn University

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The Swedish Commission against Antiziganism has frequently been cited as a promising example of how governments could take responsibility to address the history of antigypsyism and to raise awareness about Roma rights. We invite you for a more nuanced discussion – what has this Commission managed to achieve? What have been the weaknesses? And what can we learn? At this event, we will launch the CHACHIPEN report on Sweden ‘Considering the Swedish Commission against Antiziganism 2014-2016‘.

Experts from Finland, Germany, Norway and Sweden, as well as, those working at the European level, will be presenting their experiences in the fight against historically-rooted antigypsyism and political processes around the promotion of Romani rights. Roma and non-Roma academics, lawyers, representatives of the Swedish government and Roma civil society will further discuss the potential of setting up dedicated Antigypsyism Commissions among the other transitional justice tools to address the darkest chapters of the Roma past and ongoing antigypsyism.

This event falls within the framework of the European Union’s funded project ‘Paving the way for Truth and Reconciliation Process to address antigypsyism in Europe: Remembrance, Recognition, Justice and Trust-Building’. Project is abbreviated as ’CHACHIPEN’, meaning ’truth’ in the Romani language. CHACHIPEN aims to address historically rooted antigypsyism and its legacies by employing transitional justice approaches and tools, such as, for example, truth and reconciliation commissions.

This webinar will offer Swedish/English translation.

If you are interested to attend the event in person (at Södertörn university, Sweden), please contact Valeria Redjepagic, at


Soraya Post, City of Gothenburg, Sweden/ former MEP and member of the Swedish Commission against Antiziganism
Dr. Mehmet Daimagüler, Antigypsyism Commissioner of the German Federal Government
Dr. Jan Selling, Södertörn University, CHACHIPEN Swedish expert
Dr Marko Stenroos, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Sunita Memetovic , Defence lawyer, human rights activist in Sweden
Dr Solvor Lauritzen, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Hans Caldaras, Romani Elder, author, singer and human rights activist in Sweden
Thomas Hammarberg, Swedish MP/ Former Head of the Swedish Commission against Antiziganism
Isabela Mihalache, European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network


Dr Sergio Carrera, Senior Research Fellow/ Head of Justice and Home Affairs Unit, CEPS – Introducing Chachipen project

You can visit the project’s website at: About CHACHIPEN – Stop Antigypsyism!


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