Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Programme, the Council of Europe is organising three calls for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria and Romania.
More information below and on ROMACT website.
Call for tenders for consultants in Bulgaria – Deadline: 24 October 2022
Social economy / entrepreneurship;Social protection and children’s rights;Access to EU funds for small and large-scale infrastructure projects.
Call for tenders for consultants in Romania (Hungarian speakers) – Deadline: 24 October 2022
Access to funds (EU funds / Operational Programmes and other donors); Project Cycle Management; Public Procurement Strategic planning;Access to EU funds for small and large-scale infrastructure projects.
Call for tenders for consultants in Romania – Deadline: 24 October 2022
Social economy / entrepreneurship & dual/vocational education;Social protection and children’s rights;Fundraising, community marketing and advocacy;Access to EU funds for small and large-scale infrastructure projects.
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